Water Cooled Chillers

Form Central Air Conditioning Systems offers eco-friendly and user-oriented air conditioning solutions.
Water Cooled Chiller
Water-cooled chiller units are especially preferred in areas with high cooling needs, such as large buildings, industrial plants, and data centers. Their efficiency values are high.
With options for scroll, screw, and VFD compressors, as well as heat recovery options, they meet all requirements. They offer a wide capacity range from 35-3520 kW with environmentally friendly refrigerant gas alternatives.
Advantages of Water Cooled Chillers
  • High Efficiency: Water transfers heat faster than air, which is why water-cooled systems offer high energy efficiency. They reduce operating costs in large-capacity applications.
  • Capacity Advantage: Water-cooled systems are ideal for large buildings and industrial plants as they are suitable for high cooling capacities. They operate more efficiently compared to an air-cooled chiller with the same capacity.
  • Less Affected by Environmental Conditions: Unlike air-cooled systems, water-cooled chillers are less affected by outdoor air temperatures. This results in more stable performance of the system.
  • Silent Operation: Water-cooled systems are quieter as they do not have fans like air-cooled chillers. This feature makes them preferable for applications sensitive to noise.
  • Longer Lifespan: Equipment used in water-cooled systems is generally more durable, ensuring the system lasts longer.
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