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Uzbekistan's Preference ‘Freva Rose Series Dry Cooler Units’

Uzbekistan’s Choice: "Freva Rose Series Dry Cooler Units"

The Freva Rose Series Dry Cooler Units, produced by Form Freva, which began operations under the Form Group of Companies in February 2024, were shipped to Russia for use in cooling an industrial facility. The Rose Series dry coolers will be used to cool the condenser lines of water-cooled chiller units.

The Rose Series dry coolers, each with a thermal capacity of 230 kW, will be used for cooling the condenser lines of water-cooled chiller units. Each unit is equipped with 4 EC-type axial fans with high energy efficiency. Along with the products, electrical power and control panels have also been shipped, allowing the speed control of the EC fans for different climate conditions. This will ensure maximum energy savings while meeting the desired thermal capacity values.

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